WARNING:  This site is rated NC17. Content is only suitable for mature adults. Contains explicit language, violence, sex and adult themes which may include rape, attempted rape, blood play and other adult situations that some people may find objectionable.   If you are under the age of 17 or find any of these themes objectionable – GO AWAY.  Parents, it is up to YOU to control what your children are reading.

Everything on this site is BtVS (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) based / AU, Spike+Buffy (Spuffy) centric and NOT FOR CHILDREN.  They can't do this on TV (although they tried . . . they really, really tried!)!

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Ob-la-di, Ob-la-da, Life Goes On

in the

"Unexpected" Universe

(May 2003 - July 2004)




Don't be shy! Email me feedback, I'd love to hear from you! Your feedback is my reward, it's like chocolaty goodness for my soul . . .  and it keeps my muse off the couch!!


(ps: I actually respond to feedback emails!)

1. More than Whiskey   - -  3,300 words 5. And Baby Makes . . .

5.1 Giveth and Taketh Away - - 5,600 words

5.2 Please Wake Up  - - 2,100 words                    

2. Danger Across Dimensions

2.1 Cooties, Genes and Slayer Dreams   2,000 words

2.2 Bread and Cookies  -- 4,500 words

2.3. Untouchable   -- 4,000 words

2.4 Epilogue   -- 2,000 words

6. Kooks

6.1 You Complete Me - - 4,000 words

6.2 Real Babies - - 4,100 words

6.3 Addicted  - - 3,300 words

6.4 La Vida Loca - - 3,900 words

6.5 Worry-free - - 2,300 words

6.6 Seeing Red  . . . . and Green  --6,700 words

6.7 ih-fuhl-juh-nt - - 7,300 words

6.8 Un-Mixy - -  6,000 words

6.9 Sweet-Bit & Baby Blue -- 4,900 words


3. Lemmings   - - 4,700 words  


 7.0 Brownies -- 5,300 words
4. The Gem of Amarra

4.1 Freckle Boy  -- 6,500 words

4.2 Surfer Boy   -- 2,900 words

4.3 Sex, Lies and Videotape   -- 3,700 words

4.4 Please Come Home   -- 3,400 words

4.5 Drunk and Disorderly   -- 2,500 words

4.6 Most Vile Creature     -- 4,000 words

4.7 More Than Freckles   -- 5,200 words

4.8 More Than Chocolate   -- 4,400 words

8. Have You Ever Really Loved a Woman?

8.1 More Than Words  -- 8,200 words

8.2 Hotel California  --  5,200 words

8.3 Slipped Away -- 6,000 words

8.4 Promises -- 3,900 words

8.5 Wind Beneath My Wings -- 6,800 words

8.6 A Different Kind of Knight -- 5,700 words

8.7 With a Little Help From My Friends -- 6,000 words

8.8 Shades of Grey  -- 4,300 words

8.9 Destiny -- 5,500 words

8.10 Everything is Different Now -- 5,700 words

8.11 Taking You Home --7,300 words

8.12 Take Me There -- 5,500 words

8.13 Every Breath You Take -- 6,100 words

8.14 Mother and Child Reunion -- 7,400 words

8.15 Baby, I Love You -- 5,400 words

8.16 The Cow Jumped Over the Moon River -- 8,500 words

Note: make the font bigger on any page by increasing the zoom level on your browser.



All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.  No profit is made from the story. Don’t sue me.  If you own these characters you have WAY more money that I do, anyway! Since I'm not Joss Whedon or Fox, I do not own Buffy the Vampire Slayer and I am in no way making any profit from this site. This is purely for fun because they can’t do this stuff on TV (although they came close a couple of times!) and they cancelled the show, anyway, so we have to entertain ourselves somehow, right?

Online Since February 2010


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Feedback: Don't be shy! Email me feedback, I'd love to hear from you! Your feedback is my reward, it's like chocolaty goodness for my soul!! passionate@passion4spike.com

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